

Please share with us in the excitement of each of our dogs achievements


Zaland Champions


Aust Ch Zaland Jewelovthamountn - Brooke 

Aust Ch Zaland Star ov Jordan - JJ 

Aust Ch Zaland Rumour Has It - Rhianna 

Aust Ch Zaland Champagne on Ice - Bindi 

Aust Ch Zaland Iflookscouldkill - Bella 

Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland Chanellnumbafive - Chanel 

Aust Ch Zaland Divine Providence - Jazz 

Aust Ch Zaland Thats Gold - Reece 

Aust Ch Zaland Divine Intuition - Diva 

Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland Chamber of Secrets - Morgan

Aust Ch Zaland Sp Agent Caitlin Todd - Kate

Aust Ch Zaland Odo Divine - Billy 

Aust Ch Zaland Tell It Like It Is - Kade 

Aust Ch Zaland Taylor Maid in Oz - Taylah

Aust Ch Zaland Theydid Myhair Forthis - LÓreal

Aust Ch Zaland Lock Up Your Daughters - Lochie

Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland Nauti N Nice - Suzie

Neuter GRAND Ch Aust Neuter Ch Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland Let Your Hair Hang Down - Evie

Aust Ch Zaland Dolce And Gabbana - Kye

Aust SUPREME Ch Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland It Only Takes One - Rory

Aust SUPREME Ch Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland Forensics Abby Sciuto - Abby

Aust Ch Zaland Spec Agent Kensi Blye - Kensi

Aust Ch Zaland Track Rolling - Dozer

Aust Ch Zaland Special Agent Ziva David - Ziva

Aust Ch Zaland Eurovision - Mila

Aust SUPREME Ch Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland Bourne Supremacy - Jason

Aust Ch Zaland Enchanted Eden - Eden

Aust Ch Zaland Supreme Ruler - Joshi

Aust Ch Zaland In Rehab at Chanceinn JW (export to UK) BIS winner at 9 months - Stan

Aust Ch Zaland Step Aside Im Here - London

Aust Ch Zaland Academy Award - Oscar

Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland Its A Kind Of Magic - Maggie

Aust Ch Zaland Black Is The New Gold - Jett

Aust Ch Zaland Black Velvet - Hannah

Aust Ch Zaland Snap Out Of It - Chase

Aust Ch Zaland The Clock Strikes One - Striker

CIB Aust SUPREME Ch Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Zaland Bourne Legacy - Tyson

Aust Ch Zaland Nuts N Bolts Not Needed -  China - PUG

Aust Ch Zaland Together We Are One - Willow

Aust Ch Zaland When The Stars Shine - Crystal

Aust Ch Zaland When The Stars Align - Jake

Aust Ch Zaland When The Stars Combined - Ariane

Aust Ch Zaland The Seductress - Lorelei

Aust Ch Zaland Midnight Sky - Miley

Aust Ch Zaland Ready To Assemble - Spanna - PUG

Aust Ch Zaland Black Diamond - Blake

Aust Ch Zaland Call On Me - Starley

Aust Ch Zaland The Legacy Lives On - Thor

Aust Ch Zaland The Kingsman - JB - PUG

Aust Ch Zaland Magic Mike - Mikey - PUG

Aust Ch Zaland Silvery Myst - Brandi

Aust Ch Zaland Touched By An Angel - Dayna

Aust Ch Zaland Konvicted Chanceinn - Akon

Aust Ch Zaland Experience Amazing - Lexie


Aust Ch - 54

Aust GRAND Ch - 9                Aust SUPREME Ch - 4

CIB Ch - 1                                                      A2O Ch - 

Aust Neuter Ch - 1           Aust Neuter GRAND Ch - 1

Junior Warrant - 1


Dogs Shown and/or Titled for Others


Lhasa Apso - Aust Ch Babanga Hapenny - Lucy

Lhasa Apso - Aust Ch Babanga Dolamite - Sootie

Lhasa Apso - Aust Ch Babanga Hot Chili Pepper - Chili

Dalmatian - Aust Ch Blairwick Southern Cross - Jackson

Dalmatian - Aust Ch Delrei Picture Perfect - Meika

Lhasa Apso - Aust SUPREME Ch Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Nahemja Odo Hirsch - Jordan

Lhasa Apso - Nahemja Elfin Phillipe - Elfin

Lhasa Apso - Aust Grand Ch Nahemja Miss Loopiola - Lily

Tibetan Spaniel - Aust Ch Parkwell Against the Odds - Omen

Lhasa Apso - Aust Ch Methusela Theenchantress - Paris

Lhasa Apso - Barphon Control Agent (Imp UK) - Max

Lhasa Apso - Chic Choix Julius Ceasar (Imp FIN) - Visa

Portuguese Water Dog - Aust Ch Arcticpalace Oceans Eleven - George

Lhasa Apso - Aust SUPREME Ch Aust GRAND Aust Ch English Ch Kutani Secret Agent (Imp UK) - James

Lhasa Apso - Aust Ch Chanceinns Lady Luck (Imp UK) - Hayley

Lhasa Apso - Aust Ch Yangadoos Yet Another Angel (Imp SWE) - Lotta

Schipperke - Neuter GRAND Ch Aust Neuter Ch Aust GRAND Ch Aust Ch Monterrez Star Quality (NBT) - Sophie

Papillon - Emmoge Come Ride My Tractor - Tractor

Lhasa Apso - Aust Ch NZ Ch Paddington Daydream Believer (Imp NZ) - Chico

Pug - Kabova Storm Ryder - Ryder

Lhasa Apso - Neokarma Hell Hath No Fury - Buffy

Papillon - Aust Ch Emmoge And Now Its Dave - Dave

Rottweiler - Aust Ch Kingsahl Rumour Has It - Ronan

Pug - Clarevale Innocent Tears - Ikea

Portuguese Water Dog - Aust Ch Arcticpalace Oceans Twelve - Clooney

Portuguese Water Dog - Aust Ch Arcticpalace Oceans Eight - Daphne

Pug - Aust Ch Pickapug Key to My Heart - AK

Pug - Troycole Hot in Herre - Nelly

Pug - Gupalsziv Finely Tuned - Chevi

Pug - Gupalsziv Thunder N Rain - Pepto

Pug - Gupalsziv Steal My Thunder - Hippy

Pug - Gupalsziv The Gypsy In My Soul - Soul

Schipperke - Aust Ch Monterrez Full Frontal At Barragan NBT - Flasha

Schipperke - Aust Ch Monterrez X Factor NBT - Xoe

Schipperke - Aust Ch Monterrez Ironman At Barragan NBT - Izac

Pug - Quom Miss Haizlee Heinz - Haizlee

Lhasa Apso - CIB A2O Ch Aust SUPREME Ch Aust GRAND Aust Ch Lth Jnr Ch Tai Fanza Quicksilver (Imp LTU) - Slater

Lhasa Apso - Aust Ch Elshamara Workin Together at Zaland - Libby

Pug - Aust Ch Magia Fiore Ultramarin (Imp RUS) - Urik

Pug - Taureauxroug Call Me Cookie - Jatz

Pug - Pennarla Delta Dawn - Delta

Pumi - Aust Ch Simra Last Call Pitches - Becca

Pug - Ambaron Cominthru Lookin Glass - Lewis


Aust Ch - 21

Aust GRAND Ch - 4                Aust SUPREME Ch - 3

CIB Ch - 1                                                     A2O Ch - 1

Aust Neuter Ch - 1           Aust Neuter GRAND Ch - 1




19 Best in Show's

19 Runner Up Best in Show's

1 Best in Show Specialty

100+ Best in Group's

James - Aust Supreme Ch Eng Ch Kutani Secret Agent (Imp UK)

3 Best in Show's

5 Runner Up Best in Show's

1 Runner Up Best in Show Specialty (to Jordan)

20 Best in Group's

17 Runner Up Best in Group's


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Contact Details
Belinda Beves/Nina Estatheo
Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia
Email : [email protected]


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Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies